Tuesday, October 28, 2014

kristoffer : A 5 year old kid who got reward from Microsoft

So many people like Satya nadella, mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates etc..... Who changed this world into a technological world. And got fame in the world at young stages...

Satya nadella :

A well known CEO of Microsoft. Who got fame at 47 year old..

Mark Zuckerberg :

A youngest entrepreneur. Everyone in this world had accounts in this zuckerberg's innovation called Facebook.. He got fame at 29 years old.

Bill Gates :

Founder of Microsoft company.. And world's richest person. He got fame at young age I.e, 20 year old..

Now what ????

Why all these ???

A kid who got fame in at 5 years old, he got fame at Microsoft.

Who is he ????

Kristoffer Von Hasssel :

A 5 year old kid, who is famous now in Microsoft company. And he got a reward of US$50 from Microsoft.

Now, you had a doubt right ??? Why ??? He got such fame???? Here, it is....

Microsoft recognized a 5 year old San Diego kid for his security skills. And he managed to get into his father's Xbox account..
Funny thing is, he doesn't knoaccount  he is playing ( i mean he didn't know that he is doing that )  shocked..???? 

How he done this..????

While he playing games, he got  into Xbox account password screen. And then he typed something... It shows incorrect password screen and then it showed security screen. 

As his father is a security researcher in Microsoft recognized that, someone is going to hack his account password. But, while searching who is doing all these stuff??? He amazed that, it is from his son...

Why this happened,..????

Due to vulnerability in Microsoft's gaming console, he managed to bypass his father's account.. ( I mean the glitch present in gaming console ).. Even though he doesn't password, he stumbled upon a glitch. This glitch automatically take him to his father's Xbox account...

For finding this he got fame.... Now Microsoft recognized that glitch and fixed that.... And Microsoft wrote his name in security researchers list ( Microsoft March ) for finding this vulnerabilities....

And finally he got a reward of US$50 check from Microsoft company...

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