Friday, December 12, 2014

Watch YouTube videos offline now

YouTube....!!!! It's a ocean. Those who are irritated with content in the web and who are unable to read all the story in the web and more importantly, those who want to get practical knowledge will go for YouTube videos.

YouTube's history.... :

One of the best business decision Google had ever made is YouTube. YouTube was created by " TRIO " of PayPal workers in 2005. In 2006, Google bought it for $1.6 billions.

How many visitors...????

According to Google, more then 1 billion visitors use YouTube every month.

How many uploads....????

100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute of the day.

You can upload directly video from phone. And with the advent of Google+ and Google hangouts, you can now use YouTube to communicate your message live.

How many are watching....????

In real time, more than 6 billion hours of video are watched on YouTube every month.

Drawback..... :

Of course, we have that much of database and so many visitors and so many uploads, we have to face a problem of BUFFERING.

As many users are watching this at a time, due to network problems we got buffering while playing a video. So, even though they're interested to see a video, but due to this buffering they lost their interests and wind it off. Even I got that irritation.

So, to overcome that problem, Google got a good news for us. That we can watch the videos offline. Amazing right....???? I to...... So, you need to do is small settings. Let's see what are those.....

Watch YouTube videos offline now.... :

Google announced that YouTube would be getting an offline mode in India during the launch of Android One.

The offline viewing is not limited only to android one handsets, and is also available to all users in the country.

How to watch videos in offline.....???

  • YouTube app shows a download icon next to like button s, which allows users to download the videos.
  • And also option for selecting the resolution of the video to be downloaded.


#Go to YouTube app :

#Search for what to watch ( I'm taking php tutorials ) :

#Select it... Now you can see a tab as..... ( click on download button )

#click on Got it... And you see a tab as below.... You can select resolution also...

#Select offline viewing... It'll automatically go to offline.

It has some restrictions also :
  • Not all content is downloadable due to existing copy rights in the country.
  • And particularly, music videos from record labels are not available for offline viewing.
  • The content that is available for download is viewable only within the app in a special tab called offline.

Enjoy the offline viewing of videos in YouTube. Gain more knowledge.. And keep the India in a better place.

It's now for certain countries only. It'll soon available to all countries...

Add more story or any ideas... Please comment below.....


  1. all videos are possible to seeing offline..?

    1. Thanks for your response.

      Gopi Krishna... Based on copyright, YouTube is going to show you the videos. All videos are not possible to watch.
