Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Drinking milk everyday causes early death

Many people say that, drink milk everyday. But it's not correct. As researchers conformed that drinking of milk leads you die earlier and bone fractures.

As recent published journal from British medical journal. They conducted a research on 1,00,00 from Sweden. They concluded that, the women who drink milk 3 times a day are die earlier than the women who drink milk only once a day.

And men also die early,  if they drink milk everyday. The women might be at very high risk, if they drink milk everyday. They surely got bone fractures and hip fractures.

The milk may not correct for your health. But surprisingly the USA government suggested adults to drink milk 3 times everyday. But researchers saying that, it is not good for your health.

The milk when digested into intestine, lactose converts into two types : glucose and galactose. In animal studies these two damage oxidation system and brain functioning. This is caused mainly due to the sugar content on diary milk.

But, researchers now provide a link between milk and death. They suggesting that you can buy a fermentation diary milk products. And you can have yogurt and cheese from that. Because they have lower level of lactose.

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Top 10 cancer causing foods which you are eating dialy

Cancer...!!! One of the dangerous disease now-a-days. This may occur through different foods we eat regularly. So, we've to know the cancer causing foods we are eating regularly. Here are the Top 10 foods which are causing Cancer. Let's see...

1. Microwave Popcorn :

Popcorn smell comes from a chemical called diacetyl that causes lung problems. And the bag the popcorn is made in is lined with a chemical called " Perflurooctanoic acid " (PFOA).

PFOA also causes infertility in women, high cholesterol, thyroid problems and bladder, kidney, liver, testicular and pancreas cancer.

2. Non Organic fruits and vegetables :

Even when you wash non-organic fruits and vegetables, traces of toxic chemicals still remain.

Those healthy looking foods are sprayed with pesticides like organo phosphates, atrazine and thiodicarb. So, these chemicals cause cancer.

3. Processed Meats :

Bacon, hot dogs, sausage and lunch meats are processed with high amounts of salts and chemicals like sodium nitrate, that are known to cause cancer.

Harvard school of public Heath said, this sodium nitrate also causing 42% of heart diseases and 19% of type2 diabetes.

4. Canned Tomatoes :

The cans many foods are sold in contain BPA, a chemical that causes a whole slew of problems such as, diabetes, heart diseases, reproductive abnormalities and a heightened risk of breast and prostate cancer.

So, try to go for fresh tomatoes rather than canned.

5. Farmed Salmon : 

There is no doubt that salmon is a healthy fish, but farmed salmon may give you more than you bargained for. A study commissioned by the Pew foundation found that farmed salmon has a higher concentration of dangerous chemicals that wild-caught salmon.

Among those chemicals are dioxins, mercury and PCBs which are believed to increase the risk of some cancers and also cause damage to the brains of infants.

6. Potato Chips :

Besides the high fat, calories and sodium in potato chips, the high heat at which they are fried produces a carcinogen called " Acrylamide ". It is also found in Cigarettes.

Related : How Potato chips causes Cancer....???

7. Hydrogenated Oils :

According to Harvard school of public Heath, these " Trans " fats also cause inflammation and increase the risk of heart diseases, stroke and diabetes. They also increase the occurrence of cancer.

In fact, people who consume high amounts of " trans " fats have 25% greater risk of dying than those who don't according to study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

8. Foods with Nitrates :

Nitrates are found in pickled, smoked and high salted foods. They are common food preservative nitrates are not a dangerous their own, but once they are in your body they are converted into N-Nitroso.

9. Refined Flour :

Part of a problem with refined flour is that numerous vitamins and minerals have been stripped away, with only a small fraction of them being replaced in " enriched " products.

Flour is also bleached with chlorine gas, a chemical classified as dangerous irritant by EPA.

10. GMOs :

Numerous studies show the risks of genetically modified foods. They have been linked to an increased risk of liver, kidney, spleen and heart problems as swell as cancer, infertility and many more.

Final Words...!!!

The key to a healthy diet is to make careful, healthy choices. Select organic, whole foods as much as possible and avoid processed foods or foods produced using chemicals.

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